Best Practices - IAB Europe Interactive Advertising Bureau Mon, 23 Oct 2023 10:53:49 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Best Practices - IAB Europe 32 32 Research Awards - Brand Advertising Effectiveness Winner Mon, 23 Oct 2023 10:53:47 +0000  

Category: Brand Advertising Effectiveness
Company: Kantar Millward Brown
Project: KMB BrandLift: AOL, Cadbury Buttons ‘Memory Lane’


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A global first on Tumblr Sun, 21 Jul 2019 23:00:00 +0000 All Nippon Airways (ANA), one of Japan’s largest airlines, wanted to increase brand awareness and tap into cultures and communities to engage with leisure travellers, ultimately becoming the trusted guide on how best to enjoy Japan.

See the solution provided by Verzion Media by downloading the case study below.

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‘Women Who Made Me’ Sun, 21 Jul 2019 23:00:00 +0000 NatWest wanted to help tackle gender inequality within business and become the go-to bank for women who want to start or grow their own business.

Download the case study below to see what solution Verizon Media found.

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How Omnicom Media Group UK reduces brand risk and media waste for advertisers Mon, 17 Jun 2019 23:00:00 +0000 Ensuring brand safety for clients has introduced new challenges for the industry around delivery and effectiveness in programmatic.  In order to ensure brand suitability, many marketers use custom keyword blocklists to guarantee their ads do not appear alongside undesired content. Consequently, some ads are blocked post delivery and may negatively impact the effectiveness of the campaign.

Download the case study below and learn how Omnicom Media Group Programmatic partnered with Integral Ad Science, to deliver optimal campaign results whilst ensuring brand safety pre- and post-bid.

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MIXX Awards Europe Winners 2019 - Red Line (Mindshare) Tue, 04 Jun 2019 23:00:00 +0000 Mindshare

Red Line

Awards: Virtual and Augmented Reality (Gold) and Brand Advertising Campaign (Bronze)

Campaign summary
Psychological violence is mainly spread by daily language and there are many inured sexist expressions dwelled in Turkey. The language that the media uses everyday is also normalizing the psychological abuse in Turkey intentionally & unintentionally. With Red Line project, we aimed to create awareness towards the sexist discourse that’s normalized in everyday's language and eliminate them.
We’ve partnered with Hurriyet, a mass media channel reaching millions each everyday. To be able to analyze & highlight thousands of news in real time, we’ve created the one and only AI that specializes in Turkish language and implemented the code into Hürriyet’s interface.
A «Red Line» button was integrated to Hurriyet’s webpage, and when clicked the AI activated and showed users words/phrases or sentences that were causing or strengthening negative gender stereotypes.
We launched the project on International Women’s Day, with a full-page manifesto in the newspaper, and columnists’ videos explaining the project on the website.
6k columns and news on Hurriyet were analyzed in the 6 months by Vodafone’s AI. Thanks to the Red Line button, 15 million visitors detected the sexist statements in the newspaper content and became aware of the impact and importance of the matter on the society.

  1. Objectives and Strategy
    33% of women in Turkey are subject to physical violence. 44% of them are exposed to psychological violence at home, at work, via social media or on the streets. Psychological violence is mainly spread by daily language and there are many inured sexist expressions dwelled in Turkey. The language that the media uses everyday is also normalizing the pyschological abuse in Turkey intentionally & unintentionally.
    As Vodafone, we have a longstanding purpose towards gender equality and improving the lives of women. With Red Line project, we aimed to create awareness towards the sexist discourse that’s normalized in everyday's language and eliminate them.
    In order to achieve that goal, it was critical to reach a wide audience in a disruptive and continuous way, to first grab people’s attention and then create the change. Also, having the endorsement of highly regarded public opinion formers was also key to succeed.
  2. Execution and Media
    As one of the biggest and respectable news outlets, we’ve partnered with Hurriyet, a mass media channel reaching millions each everyday. Even the columnists and news reporters were heavily using sexist discourse intentionally or unintentionally. Underlining the impact of this language on the society and create awareness towards the matter, all well known columnists writing on Hurriyet also participated both via announcing the campaign and auditing their columns to eliminate the statements.
    To be able to analyze & highlight thousands of news in real time, we’ve created the one and only AI that specializes in Turkish language.
    A «Red Line» button was integrated to Hurriyet’s webpage, and when clicked the AI activated and showed users words/phrases or sentences that were causing or strengthening negative gender stereotypes.
    We launched the project on International Women’s Day, with a full-page manifesto in the newspaper, and columnists’ videos explaining the project on the website.
  3. Creative
    Disrupting people to gather their attention was critical in creative execution. Columnists’ videos used big placards, showing a sexist statement crossed with a red line and then showing another statement with the exact same meaning. Same creative route used in all channels.
    When heard about the project and clicked the “Red Line” button, each user experienced how many sexist statements were in front of their eyes that they haven’t even noticed.
    Since the core of our campaign was to wipe off sexist discourse, this was at the core of all creative content and its power derived from its simplicity.
  4. Innovation
    Turkish is a very challenging language for developing an AI that fully understands it. It has a unique grammatical structure and many hard-to-detect nuances and it makes the development process a lot harder.
    We created a first of its kind AI that specializes in Turkish language and implemented the code into Hürriyet’s interface to detect and highlight sexist discourse.
    Journalists could also clear sexist words/phrases from their content before publishing them, thanks to the add-on integrated to Hurriyet’s content management system. This way, the creator and distributor of the content was becoming aware of the issue, while preventing the exposure of millions of readers to sexist statements.
    We have partnered with Vircon, a promising local AI development startup, in the creation of Vodafone’s gender equality AI. As a technology company, it is also another priority for us to invest in and partner with local tech developers.

    5. Results
    6k columns and news on Hurriyet were analyzed in the 6 months by Vodafone’s AI.
    Thanks to the Red Line button, 15 million Hurriyet visitors detected the sexist statements in the newspaper content and became aware of the impact and importance of the matter on the society. So far, the campaign was awarded 9 times in several reputable award platforms listed above.

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MIXX Awards Europe Winners 2019 - BMW 4 Series Addressable TV (Borusan Otomotiv - BMW) Tue, 04 Jun 2019 23:00:00 +0000 Borusan Otomotiv - BMW

BMW 4 Series Addressable TV

Awards: Programmatic Advertising (Silver)

Campaign summary
We run a data-oriented Programmatic Addressable TV campaign through HBBTV protocol. With the help of cross device technology it is supported with retargeting strategies through social media and web channels.
All creatives were actionable and user was able to engage with creative with TV’s remote control and expand creative to designed microsite and able to fill the form. All forms feed CRM system directly with the API connection between microsite and CRM.
Campaign used digital data sources such as website visitors, campaign clickers as a benefit of DSP’s cross device technology, and also used DSP’s targeting options such as city, frequency, time, creative targeting options and also optimized the campaign based on all possible variables and generated as much as possible forms. Also campaign optimized based on offline quality of each forms.
As a result, we aim to have a data-oriented, real time actionable and optimizable TV campaign and we designed campaign strategy according to our aim and had a very successful campaign with more than 800 forms generated through smart TV devices.

  1. Objectives and Strategy
    Objective; Having a data-oriented and optimizable performance campaign through TV advertising with a maximum reach and form generation.
    And set our strategy accordingly;
    • Decided to use Addressable TV technology which is available through HBBTV protocol in Turkey.
    • Selected TV channels which are compliant with Programmatic Addressable TV advertising.
    • Designed data-oriented strategy with cross device technology and decided to target our website visitors and digital campaign clickers.
    • Also set some retargeting strategies with cross device technology for the TV campaign engagers to retarget with different scenarios, such as TV to Web, TV to mobile, TV to Social. And landed those users to special landing page of BMW 4 Series.
    • In the meantime, designed our creatives as actionable and created a microsite so that users can fill the form.
    • Campaign designed to report and optimize every single detail on real time, based on all possible variables through DSP.
  2. Execution and Media
    Campaign used most Premium 3 TV Channels, TV8, KanalD, CNNTurk, of Turkey and targeted devices which are Smart TV, connected to internet and running on listed TV Channels. Total available audience reach was around 4M unique household.
    Campaign execution, cross device technology management, tracking and buying is done through Adform DSP technology.
    First party data management and activation is done through Adform DMP technology.
  3. Creative
    2 sets of L shaped static creatives designed to run on rotation and optimize based on performance.Also a microsite designed to activate after on user engagement with TV’s remote control. It contains information, images and also contact form to let users to fill in. Contact form integrated with CRM system and feeds the CRM system through API connection.
  4. Innovation
    Innovative and most important assets of campaign;
    • Data oriented Addressable TV advertising through Programmatic Platforms
    • Digital data usage, retargeting and reporting with Adform’s probabilistic Cross Device technology. Example outcome strategies;
    o Website visitors and digital campaign clickers retargeting on Addressable TV
    o TV campaign engagers’ retargeting on web environment.
    o TV campaign engagers’ website visits reporting through other devices
    • Real time reporting and actionability of the campaign based on various variables like City, TV Program, Data, Time, Viewability, Creative.
    • Performance oriented and actionable campaign through TV devices
    • Seamless integration flow from end user’s TV device to call center.5. Results
    4.8 M ad impression
    1.8 M unique household reach
    80k click to L banner
    %95 viewability measurement based on MRC standards
    883 filled forms
    265 requests to visit BMW dealers
    %63 higher conversion rate once compared to BMW 4 Series digital campaigns.
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IAB Europe Research Awards 2019 - Emotional response to ads on different platforms (Annalect) Tue, 04 Jun 2019 23:00:00 +0000 Emotional response to ads on different platforms


Awards: Consumer Attitudes and Behaviour (Highly Commended)

Project summary
In a world of constant stimuli and attention span decreasing, we believe more than ever, it is essential that our communication reach and leave a mark on the consumer. Not just in
memory but on a more subconscious level.

Inspired from Byron Sharp’s theory about Emotional Impact, we included biosensors when testing three ads with different creative expressions. The theory concerns the importance of brands creating positive emotional responses to make brands grow. Since we believe platforms interfere with the emotional response, the ads were tested on Facebook, YouTube and TV-on-demand.

To create a realistic ad-exposing setting as possible, we developed interface-mockups and combined it with observation and in-depth-interviews.

We concluded that the ads awoke different emotional responses. But more importantly we discovered that the same ad performed differently on the platforms indicating diverse ‘platform-mindset’ and therefore diverse ‘emotional matches’ between creative expressions and platforms. This created evidence-based knowledge instead of assumption about differences in platform performance.

Furthermore, we nuanced the way to look at performance, as best performance normally would be based on respondents’ answers and time spent watching an ad, but by adding emotional measurement tools, we brought attention to the importance of choosing and adjusting to platforms.

  1. Objective(s)
    Main objective of this study was understanding which emotional responses different creative expressions created on different platforms and why?

    The analytical framework was testing Byron Sharp’s theory about the importance of Emotional Impact. Byron Sharp has through evidential studies proved, that decisions are made with an emotional filter. This means, that besides having easily recognizable brand assets, it is important that brands create positive emotional responses in communication to make their brand grow.

    Therefore, we tested three different creative expressions from three different industries on three different visual platforms. This create insights about both creatives and platforms combined and separately.

  2. Methodology
    To analyze actual emotional responses to the platforms and ads, we developed realistic ad-exposing interface-mockups and combined it with observations, in-depth-interviews and multiple technological measurement tools:

    • Eye-tracking of the visual attention patterns in eyes including time spent and order in focus areas and navigation.
    • Emotional arousal/physiological intensity through skin-conductance (SCR) such as sweat reactions.
    • Facial expressiveness/response and emotional valence.

    This method combination ensured physical and psychological reactions combined with self-reflection on own behavior. Furthermore, the test environment was fixed, realistic and controlled along with ad and platform rotation meaning less interference from other elements ensuring higher validation and reliability.

  3. Key results
    Besides concluding the ads awoke different emotional responses, we discovered the ads performed differently on the platforms indicating different ‘platform-mindset’ and ‘emotional fit’ between creative expressions and platforms.

    This means, although TV-on-demand performed best regarding time spent across platforms and ads, we discovered positive ‘emotional matches’ between ads and platforms:
    • Ad-1 emotionally matched TV-on-demand because a person is talking all the way through the ad and it is essential to hear the entire speech.
    • Ad-2 matched YouTube due to the humorous and “self-challenging” universe in the ad.
    • Ad-3 matched Facebook as the ad expression is dreamlike and works without sound.

  4. Impact and Application
    Testing an ad’s emotional impact is relevant by itself but adding the different platform performance was very valuable as it creates an even better understanding of the performance of the ads and the platforms. There has always been an assumption that the platforms invite to different mindsets and behavior but less evidence-based knowledge.

    Normally we would conclude TV-on-demand to give the best performance based on respondents spending the longest time watching the ads on this platform. But is that the right way to measure best performance? By adding the emotional measurement tools, we discovered very different emotional responses to the same ad on three platforms meaning different emotional matches. This is a nuanced insight which is very essential when developing media strategy along with analyzing creative performance. Furthermore, this brings attention to the importance of choosing and adjusting our creative to the platform if possible.

    Following the completion of this research, we have been more precise and nuanced in our consulting, as we have evidence about the platforms performing differently to certain creative expressions. Becoming aware that it is possible to measure eye tracking and nuanced emotional impact, we have extended our product portfolio.

    Besides offering our clients the possibilities to test their ads’ emotional responses, we have developed emotional impact and eye-tracking solutions for instore-environments relevant for e.g. the FMCG category. The methods are very valuable in observation studies where we want to know and understand which placements and brand assets catch the consumers’ eyes.

    In general, we believe it is essential to combine different methods – including methods that can complement survey and interview data – as this creates a more valuable analysis. Introducing methods that monitor both psychical and psychological responses creates a more holistic analysis.

    5. Significance
    Firstly, the study showed the importance of choosing the right platform for your creative expression as there is a difference in ‘platform-mindset’ which will result in different emotional responses to the same ad. Furthermore, this proves the importance of adjusting creatives to the platforms.

    The analytical ad-exposing setup with interface-mockups also brings attention to the pitfalls of traditional pretests based on a survey questionnaire and interviews. This type of test is far from reality – meaning the ads are not shown in a realistic framework, where the respondents are watching content and then being presented to ads.


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MIXX Awards Europe Winners 2019 - Aldi Creating retail traffic through intelligent GPS data customer mapping (Havas Denmark) Tue, 04 Jun 2019 23:00:00 +0000 Havas Denmark

ALDI Creating retail-traffic through intelligent GPS data customer mapping

Awards: Campaign Effectiveness (Gold) and Effective Use of Data (Silver)

Campaign summary
In Denmark, the distribution of flyers was poised to be taken over by one single company, creating a monopolistic situation that would inevitably translate itself into a steep price increase, calculations put the increase at 40%.
Seeing that flyer distribution was a massive operation in which Aldi was ‘’carpet flyering’’ (dropping a flyer in every household in any given neighborhood) in every city where there was an Aldi Supermaket without any regard to targeting, the 40% increase would not be sustainable.
We needed to develop a much more intelligent and cost reduced way to distribute our flyers, we needed to find a way to distribute the flyers in areas where we knew they would convert in business for ALDI, where people would read them and use them, we needed to pinpoint and target our distribution.
Moreover, we also needed to move Aldi into the 21st century with a digital flyer that would attract younger readers, reducing their dependence on printed flyers.
We used data and technology to provide insight to optimize the distribution model for printed retail flyers. This optimization would, in turn, allow us to reinvest savings into the production of a digital flyer and its subsequent promotion.

  1. Objectives and Strategy
    Postal distribution in Denmark of Aldi Flyers were to be increased by 40% in 2017 /2018, we needed to develop an intelligent and cost-reduced buying model for leaflets for ALDI. We also wanted to give Aldi a Digital presence.

    We used data and technology to provide insight to optimize the distribution model for printed retail flyers.
    This strategy would allow us to intelligently reduce the distribution of leaflets in areas with low or no potential/customers, or ad new area if relevant for each of the individual shops. The idea was to match the distribution area with the actual ALDI customers, a quite unusual way to use geo data targeting.
    With the savings from reducing the printed leaflets, we initiated a digital transformation for ALDI to give them an online presence

  2. Execution and Media
    With the help of mobile geo-tagging data we digitally mapped the customers that shopped at each of ALDIs 189 stores with the help of geo-data.
    Once they were mapped we pinpointed where they lived thanks to a key insight: their night time location: If you remained on the same location from 02-04 am.
    We pinpointed where our customers lived at a granular level of distances from their closest ALDI Shops: : <500 m, <1000 m, <1500 m…
    Based on this info, we gradually reduced the distribution to allow us to evaluate the effect on the sales revenue.
    Before the operation, the number of flyers that where being distributed numbered 1,227,656, by the end of our project the distribution of flyers numbered: 860,087.
    We also developed all digital assets for the digital flyer –
  3. Creative
    The creative idea stems from looking at the geo tagging technology and think differently about it. We say the potential of geotagging to find a solution to an analogical problem.
    We saw the tech as more than just something to target potential clients and it paid out.
  4. Innovation
    Geo tagging information is traditionally used to target specific groups of users with advertising based on their mobile advertising ID’s. This implies the use a digital solution to collet the data to then target them digitally. But for this campaign the application of the digital insight was analogical, that was the innovation.

    5. Results
    We dropped the number of flyers being distributed from 1,227, 656 to 860,087, that is a 33% reduction.

    • If we only look at it from a cost perspective, we saved ALDI a significant amount of distribution budget, 2,162,000 Euros to be exact, and without it affecting ALDI’s sales.
    • The number of readers of the printed flyers increased for the first time in 4 years by 4.9%
    • the number of readers of the digital version of ALDI’s leaflet increased by 24.1 pct. (9.1 pct. point above target/objective, 60 pct. above target)

    Additionally, we managed to reach a totally new segment thanks to the digitalization of the flyer: a much more modern, younger, urban family segment that spends more than the traditional ALDI customer.
    In this process it instantly became very clear that urban areas had a much higher performance, when being targeted with ALDI’s digital leaflet

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MIXX Awards Europe Winners 2019 - Freestyle - HBB TV Cross Screen Integration (Mindshare) Tue, 04 Jun 2019 23:00:00 +0000 Mindshare

Freestyle - HBB TV Cross Screen Integration

Awards: Programmatic Advertising (Bronze)

Campaign summary
In Turkey, the number of fixed/broadband internet subscribers reached almost 13 million. However, the researches show that, even though it offers economic advantages, subscribers don’t want to sign up for a 24-month commitment, unless they get to try the service first. Vodafone was the first internet provider offering “Zero withdrawal fee during the first 3 months”. We wanted to deliver this impactful consumer benefit with a strong targeting strategy and measure the business return. TV’s still the mainstream ad channel. In this campaign, we’ve also used Programmatic TV and we targeted Non-Vodafone users who were in search of home-internet. We targeted the rival internet service providers’ users through Programmatic TV as a tactical media usage. Those of whom we grabbed their attention to try “Vodafone Home Internet”, pushed the red button on their remote-control and left their contact details easily.
At the end of this campaign, through TV targeting, we reached 372.000 unique users and through TV&Web Cross targeting, we have retargeted 126.000 non-responders across digital channels. Ad investment conversion rate realized as 2.5% for Programmatic TV and we achieved 11.40% conversion rate in total.

  1. Objectives and Strategy
    Researches show that show that, most of the fixed/broadband users are not happy with the service they get. Thus, while seeking a new provider, subscribers don’t want to sign up for a 24-month commitment, even though it offers economic advantages. They get to try the service first. Vodafone was the first internet provider offering “Zero withdrawal fee during the first 3 months”.
    Fixed internet is one of the most competitive sub-categories of telco industry, due to its growth potential. Despite high growth targets, Vodafone is investing less than the competition for Marketing activities. In order to maximize campaign effectiveness, we wanted to deliver this impactful consumer benefit with a strong targeting strategy and measure the business return.
  2. Execution and Media
    Simultaneously with the digital campaign, we targeted consumers who use competitors’ home internet services through Programmatic TV, as an interactive media touchpoint.
    After 5 seconds the viewers landed on a channel, we triggered our banner ad delivering the campaign offer and call-to-action for a lead.
    Those of whom we grabbed their attention to try “Vodafone Home Internet”, pushed the red button on their remote-control and left their contact number easily.
    Along with the leads, we have also collected the data of users who were exposed to the ad but didn’t fill out the lead form.
    For the first time in Turkey, we used cross-device data generated from HBB TV and retargeted users who were exposed to our lead ads on Programmatic TV, but did not fill out the lead form, across digital platforms.
    in the newspaper, and columnists’ videos explaining the project on the website.
  3. Creative
    We’ve arranged ad delivery timing to 5seconds after a viewer landed on a channel. Less than 3 seconds indicate zapping; where viewers are either focused on seeking out a content or distractedly swiping through channels. If a viewer is watching the same channel for around 10seconds, they are likely to unhand the remote to continue watching.
    Via delivering the ad on 5thsecond, we aimed to reach out to the consumers when their attention is on the screen and they still have their remote at hand, more likely to fill out the form simply via pressing a button on the remote.
  4. Innovation
    For the first time in Telco/Turkey, we used cross-device data generated from HBB TV and retargeted users who were exposed to our lead ads on Programmatic TV, but did not fill out the lead form, across digital platforms.5. Results
    After using Programmatic TV data to retarget the online, number of people who gave their contact information quadrupled. We also generated exclusive scenarios for the cities that interacted with our TV ads at most. With these scenarios, we tripled the conversion rate.
    At the end of this campaign, through TV targeting, we reached 372.000 unique users and through TV&Web Cross targeting, we reached 126.000 unique users. Ad investment conversion rate realized as %2.5 on TV media and we achieved %11.40 conversion rate in total.
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IAB Europe Research Awards 2019 - Making 6 Seconds Count (Teads) Tue, 04 Jun 2019 23:00:00 +0000 Making 6 Seconds Count


Awards: Digital Advertising Formats (Winner)

Project summary
Two thirds of digital media effectiveness is driven by the quality of content (Nielsen Catalina, 2017). At Teads, we are committed to helping brands evaluate their creatives for digital devices before they invest in media. We have partnered with Realeyes to develop Teads ‘Creative Lab’ to assess the performance of creatives and optimize them before the start of their advertising campaigns.

Teads Creative Lab has traditionally focused on longer form content (15-30 second adverts) but as more and more brands are using 6 second content as part of their media plans, Teads decided to commission a study with Realeyes to measure their impact and explore the relatively new area of 6 second content.

“The explosion of short form content caused by the emergence of mobile and erosion of consumer attention have changed the rules of the game. We have to learn how to tell brand stories in shorter formats, and get ready for even shorter formats in the near future” (Mars)

We were able to create some key creative take outs and best practices that our advertisers can use to ensure they are building emotionally engaging short adverts. 

1. Objective(s)
The challenge with 6 second adverts is to tell a compelling story in a very short time frame.

The questions we wanted to answer with our study are: How 6 second adverts are performing and how we could make them work harder at driving emotional engagement and impact? We could then use these insights to provide best practices for our advertisers. We wanted an innovative research project that would ensure we provide our advertisers with expertise in this area, and to also benefit consumers of digital video adverts. 

2. Methodology
As we wanted to assess the emotional impact of 6 second adverts on mobile specifically, we needed to ensure we had a robust study and to be the first of its kind to be done large scale on this topic. Therefore, we tested;
● 166 creatives
● 75 brands
● 10 countries

We asked our advertisers to submit their most engaging 6 second adverts, ensuring all our key business verticals were represented.

The measurement methodology was a facial coding test followed by self-reported questionnaire delivered to the Realeyes online panel. Our sample was Adults aged 16+, N=12,000 respondents

3. Key results
If you specifically design your creative with the 6 second format in mind (as opposed to just using a cut down version of a TV advert) and build a story in this time frame, we found it can still be engaging

• Adding packshot enhances impact and desire to know more
• Captions drive higher emotional response with sound off
• Funny ads drive better engagement
• Music isn’t necessarily a winning strategy

6 second advert formats require concision and discipline, and they need to be kept simple - all components must be there for a reason and play well together, to drive impact. 

4. Impact and Application
Realeyes measures emotion through facial coding, their technology captures the micro-movements of the face through the webcam of a user watching an advert and uses computer vision and machine learning to analyse them, focusing on expressions of happiness, surprise, confusion, disgust, engagement, and behaviours such as how and when people move their head.

There are four emotion metrics they use when testing creative;
● Attraction (gets attention)
● Retention (holds attention)
● Engagement (elicits momentum through any emotional expression)
● Impact (leaves a lasting positive impression)

Realeyes provide an EmotionAll® score which is an over-arching 1 to 10 performance indicator combining all four metrics, relative to Realeyes database of over 16,000 videos.

At Teads we’ve already tested over 210 creatives globally with an average score 3 out of 10. This clearly calls for more content pre-testing to help optimise creative assets and to inform media investment decision.

As a result of testing 166 creatives across 10 markets we were able to create some key creative take outs and best practices that our advertisers can use to ensure they are building emotionally engaging short adverts. From a global perspective, 6 seconds is also a perfect time frame to create adverts that can transcend markets if the narrative allows for it.

From our findings, we are briefing our advertisers, creative and media agencies with how they can ensure their 6 second adverts work harder at driving emotional engagement.

5. Significance
We have been able to influence the way our advertisers think about their digital advertising and provide them with best practices to ensure that the digital advertising business is as effective as it can be. We want to ensure that in our premium environment users get the best experience, and therefore this research has enabled this – it allows us to provide expertise to our advertisers, while also ensuring users of our publishers benefit from better digital adverts.

Click here to view research project

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MIXX Awards Europe Winners 2019 - Castorama Inspires (Xaxis) Tue, 04 Jun 2019 23:00:00 +0000 Xaxis


Awards: Effective Use of Data (Gold) and Campaign Effectiveness (Silver)

Castorama worked with Xaxis to make it the online sales leader in the home-improvement category, with a limited budget. They wanted to create new paths to conversion and used content featuring popular celebrities to target their demographic by boosting engagement. Utilising mPlatform and AI-based targeting technologies, Xaxis matched banners served to the interests of each consumer. They then tailored content to be even more targeted. To maximise sales, they cross-referenced data for with the best-selling items on Google, Allegro and Ceneo online stores.

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MIXX Awards Europe Winners 2019 - Painless banking for everybody (MOSQI.TO) Tue, 04 Jun 2019 23:00:00 +0000 MOSQI.TO

Painless banking for everybody

Awards: Search Advertising (Silver)

MOSQI.TO together with ING Bank Śląski and Google specified 20 most frequently asked financial questions on Polish Google.
As an answer, MOSQI.TO created series of videos on: “how to invest in real estate?”, “how to choose mortgage?” etc.
This video content won ING Bank Śląski number 1 on Polish YouTube and was viewed more than 4 000 0000 times (so far), not so bad for a financial institution!

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