Uncategorized - IAB Europe https://iabeurope.eu Interactive Advertising Bureau Wed, 12 Jun 2024 06:50:37 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 https://iabeurope.eu/wp-content/uploads/cropped-IAB-LOGO-1-150x150.png Uncategorized - IAB Europe https://iabeurope.eu 32 32 IAB Europe AdEx Benchmark Report 2023 https://iabeurope.eu/iab-europe-adex-benchmark-report-2023/ Wed, 12 Jun 2024 06:30:00 +0000 https://iabeurope.eu/?p=55777 Now in its eighteenth year, the AdEx Benchmark Report is the definitive guide to advertising expenditure in Europe, with data collected across 29 national markets to provide a total harmonised figure for Europe. For the first time this year, the report includes additional quarterly data, offering a deeper insight into the complex dynamics that contributed to digital advertising’s growth over the last three years. 

Key Highlights from the latest AdEx Benchmark Report include:

  • Exponential Market Growth: The European digital ad market grew by 11.1% in 2023, outpacing the growth rate of other international markets, including the U.S., which saw a 7.3% increase.
  • Top Performing Markets: Major European markets, including the UK, Germany, France, Spain, and Italy, accounted for 69% of the total digital ad spend. Impressively, 13 European markets experienced double-digit growth, with Turkey leading at 50%, followed by Serbia at 27.6%, and Ukraine at 25.2%.
  • Fastest-Growing Formats: Social advertising rebounded with an 18.2% growth rate, while video advertising surged by 20.9%. Audio formats also continued their impressive climb, increasing by 23.1%, with podcasts driving a 32.5% rise in digital audio spend. Connected TV (CTV) outperformed non-social video, growing by 23.5%.

Read the press release here.

Download the 2022 AdEx Full Report here.

Download the 2022 AdEx Infographic below.

Interact 2024 - Day Two Highlights https://iabeurope.eu/interact-2024-day-two-highlights/ Fri, 31 May 2024 09:50:00 +0000 https://iabeurope.eu/?p=55632 On 21-22 May we hosted our annual flagship conference Interact 2024 in Milan where we brought industry leaders, innovators, and experts together to answer the big questions needed to shape the future of the digital advertising and marketing industry. 

Thanks to the support of our sponsors, media partners, the team at IAB Italy, and our event host Joanna Burton, we enjoyed two days of content, which focused on our theme ‘The Big Questions. The Smart Answers’

Going beyond standard keynote presentations and panel discussions, we brought the ‘interactive’ back to Interact this year, with each session framed around a key question that our elite, expert speakers endeavoured to answer. No beating around the bush. It was all about the smart answers that our audience was after. Plus we addressed additional questions live on stage through our engaging polls and audience Q&As. 

On day two, we focused on how we can support Ukraine, dived into how strategies can make the supply chain more sustainable, and assessed how publishers can reinvent their digital advertising businesses. We also turned our attention to policy and legal matters to look at the future of digital advertising policy, what’s next for the TCF, and how we can ensure transparency with the Digital Services Act (DSA). 

Below you can find overviews and key takeaways from each session.

How Can the Industry Support Ukraine?

The second day of Interact began with a poignant keynote from IAB Ukraine’s CEO, Anastasiya Baydachenko. Having travelled at length to be with us again this year, she kindly shared an update on the situation in Ukraine and her latest experiences. She also shared practical examples of how we as an industry can collaborate and continue to support Ukraine, to help drive digital advertising forward in the region. 

View the presentation here. 

Advertising’s First Sustainability Standards Are Coming - Are You Ready?

Sustainable advertising is a big industry topic and creating a no-waste, clean ad ecosystem we can all agree will benefit marketers, media owners, and tech companies alike. To kick things off in this area Scope3 and Sanofi Consumer Healthcare took to the stage to share insights into how more efficient, effective, and sustainable advertising is within our reach, and why it's needed as we head into the next era of digital advertising.


  • Paul-Antoine Strullu, Head of EMEA at Scope3
  • Anna Kechekmadze, Global Digital Media Strategy Lead at Sanofi Consumer Healthcare

Key takeaways:

  • Paul started the session by sharing the weight of digital advertising’s carbon emission problem - Advertising generates 4x more emissions than the USB-C Charger estimates.
  • He shared that standards will help to point our industry in the right direction and that marketers can be the driving force behind the movement.
  • Handing over to Anna, Anna shared how Sanofi Consumer Healthcare is taking action from a marker’s perspective. This includes taking collaborative action across measurement implementation, setting baselines and targets, identification of reduction opportunities, and performance evaluation and optimisation. 
  • By working with Scope3 to reduce their carbon emissions in their digital advertising campaigns, Sanofi saw a 30% reduction in emissions in their pilot test.
  • They concluded the session by sharing that everyone can make positive steps towards reduction while achieving better marketing outcomes by using the right measurement tools. 

View the presentation here.

Are Sustainability Strategies Delivering Across the Value Chain?

To continue to answer key questions on sustainability, the first panel of the day assessed the state of readiness of our industry and shared insights on what is being done to achieve sustainability in digital advertising. 

Exploring the current tools and frameworks available to help reduce the greenhouse gas emissions produced by digital advertising, important regulations, and priorities for businesses, the panel considered if our industry is doing enough to reduce its carbon footprint and what other tangible actions can be taken to deliver across the value chain. 


  • Rachel Smith, CEO at ExchangeWire (Moderator)
  • Arthur Millet, Director General at Alliance Digitale
  • Dimitris Beis, Data Analyst & Sustainability Manager at IAB Europe 
  • Lisa Vieweg, Co-Lead Sustainability in Digital Advertising Lab at BVDW
  • Suzanne McElligott, CEO at IAB Ireland 

Key takeaways:

  • The panel agreed that measurement standards have been an important component of the sustainability process from the outset but in order to be effective they need to be universally applied. This is why National Federations such as BVDWAlliance Digitale and IAB Ireland have connected with IAB Europe to achieve this.
  • Alliance Digitale’s journey started in France in 2021 as it is now mandatory for businesses to publish their scope 3 emissions. This is why they have been working on a framework for quite some time. 
  • Several Trade Bodies have been working on frameworks and aligning on what to measure in the industry. When it comes to digital, National Federations have come together to work with other trade organisations such as the Global Alliance of Responsible Media (GARM) and Ad Net Zero to help deliver digital guidance into a wider media framework.
  • By focusing on accurate estimation and delivering a framework that is fit for purpose, National Federations hope to encourage digital advertising to be more responsible and efficient. 

Is it Time to Build a New Playbook for Digital Publishing?

Moving from sustainability strategies to publisher development, our next session welcomed Lauren Dick, Executive Director at Mail Metro Media to the stage to share macro industry trends from a publisher’s perspective. From harnessing first-party data strategies, and creating original content to delivering ecommerce outcomes, she covered all key valuable attributes in today’s media mix. 

View the presentation here.

How Can Publishers Reinvent their Digital Advertising Business?

Continuing on the innovative insights that Mail Metro Media shared, the next session allowed the audience to discover how publishers are moving, shaking, innovating, and reinventing their digital advertising businesses to ensure success in the new world of digital.


  • Constantine Kamaras, Chairman Emeritus at IAB Europe (Moderator)
  • Lauren Dick, Executive Director at Mail Metro Media
  • Francesco Barbarani, Director of Digital & Experience at Rai Pubblicità
  • Karen Nahum, General Manager of Publishing & Digital at Grupo 24 ORE

Key takeaways:

  • The session focused on the key assets and competitive advantages that publishers possess in the advertising market - specifically, panelists discussed the growing value and utilisation of first-party data as well as context (namely the quality of the editorial environment).
  • Emerging strategies in programmatic were also debated. Especially in terms of supply/demand path optimisation and the emergence of new metrics, such as attention, with publishers noting that these are in the early phases of development and implementation.
  • FInally, there was a focus on strategies to capitalise on e-commerce and Retail Media, with publishers becoming more ambitious, aiming to extend their offering to cater to the evolving demand of clients.

What Comes Next for Digital Advertising Policy?

After a well-earned coffee break, it was time to answer the big questions on policy. Welcoming our first policy-focused session to the stage, speakers dived into the future of digital advertising policy in the European Union and answered questions on what to expect next. 

They examined the influential factors that will steer EU perspectives on digital advertising policy, particularly in light of upcoming elections and their impact on setting the agenda. They also focused on the post-election landscape, identifying the potential hurdles and issues that EU policymakers must confront and navigate in shaping effective advertising regulations.


  • Inés Talavera de la Esperanza, Public Policy Manager at IAB Europe (Moderator)
  • Paul Goode, SVP Strategic Partnerships at Comscore
  • Alexander Whalen, Public Policy Manager, EU Affairs at Meta 
  • Achim Schlosser, VP Global Data Standards at Bertelsmann

Key takeaways:

  • The group started by dissecting the EU techlash against big tech that has characterised the current mandate and considered key points for policymakers in the next mandate regarding digital advertising regulation. 
  • They also explored how the industry could better communicate its value to policymakers and improve relationships.
  • The group then shared insights into possible upcoming regulations, suggesting that digital advertising, particularly issues surrounding personalisation, will be on the Commission’s agenda. 
  • Overall the speakers emphasised the need for better communication and knowledge, urging EU institutions to gather unbiased evidence and engage with all stakeholders to identify problems and propose effective regulations. 
  • The discussion also posed questions on how the industry can improve and bring value to society if it is run solely by growth and innovation. 
  • It was also suggested that industry initiatives could be the answer to support the industry in addressing this challenge. 

What are the Key Factors Driving the Continuous Development of the TCF?

Moving to the topic of the IAB Europe Transparency & Consemtn Framework (TCF), our next panel of experts explored the TCF in light of the CJEU ruling in connection with IAB Europe’s appeal of the February 2022 decision by the Belgian Data Protection Authority. They discussed the latest adaptations to the framework and how it is evolving to work with new developments and innovations in the ecosystem.


  • Ninon Vagner, Privacy Director at IAB Europe (Moderator)
  • Julien Delhommeau, Chair of IAB Europe's TCF Working Group 
  • Christoph Zippel, Chair of IAB Europe's TCF Policy Working Group 
  • Giulia Sala, External Legal Counsel at IAB Italy 
  • Will Howard, Legal Counsel at Google

Key takeaways:

  • The panel opened by discussing the latest adaptations that have been made to the TCF and how they align with current regulatory challenges. The group shared the benefits that the latest version of the TCF (v2.2) brings to their respective companies. 
  • Regarding the next iterations of the TCF, the speakers discussed the ongoing efforts that are being made to improve the framework, especially in light of the recent CJEU ruling in connection with IAB Europe’s appeal to the Belgium Data Protection Authority’s decision on the TCF. 
  • Finally, the panellists looked at what was next for the TCF. Covering both the current regulatory challenges we are facing and the technical developments that are being made by the industry, including the deprecation of third-party cookies. The speakers agreed that things would continue to evolve in line with this over the next 12 months.  

How Can the Industry Work Together to Meet the Transparency Obligations of the Digital Services Act (DSA)?

In the final session and to conclude Interact for 2024, our last group of industry leaders discussed the release of the technical specifications for the DSA Ads Transparency Solution by IAB Tech Lab, in collaboration with IAB Europe, as well as the interplay between the specifications and EDAA's Advanced Advertising Transparency Programme (AATP). They also explored how compliance with Article 26 of the DSA can be facilitated and streamlined through common technical approaches, and the outstanding uncertainties underlying the enforcement of this new piece of legislation at both the EU and national level.


  • Townsend Feehan, CEO at IAB Europe (Moderator)
  • Martina Gerli, Project Coordinator at EDAA
  • Elena Turtureanu, Global VP Legal and Privacy at Adform
  • Rowena Lam, Sr. Director of Product, Privacy & Data at IAB Tech Lab
  • Lucio Gagliardi, Privacy & Ad Tech Program Lead at Adevinta

Key takeaways:

  • The panel started by discussing the advertising transparency requirements of the DSA and how they differ from what is already laid down in the GDPR. While the GDPR focuses on transparency and legal requirements for Data Processing, Art. 26 of the DSA introduces additional requirements for transparency in online advertising, specifically regarding information provided to the users. Another difference is that the GDPR applies to every actor processing personal data, whereas the DSA only applies to Online Platforms.
  • Regarding different tools the industry has put in place for compliance, the panel discussed how essential it is for the whole industry to move towards a common approach and standard practices to create transparency and shared ways of presenting information to users.
  • When discussing advertiser confidence that disclosures are being made to enhance user trust, the panel said that advertisers are looking for advice on solutions and that they should be aware of their vendor's awareness and execution of DSA disclosure obligations. 

Well, that’s a wrap for Interact 2024, and what an amazing two days it was. 

If you are interested in finding out more about IAB Europe and how you can get involved in our work across all of these key areas and more, or are interested in joining us for Interact 2025 and would like to know more about the event and how you can participate, please contact the IAB Europe team at communication@iabeurope.eu

Member Guest Blog With Amazon Ads: The Conversation Around Cookies Is a Distraction, Here’s How Brands Can Move Beyond It https://iabeurope.eu/member-guest-blog-with-amazon-ads-the-conversation-around-cookies-is-a-distraction-heres-how-brands-can-move-beyond-it/ Thu, 23 May 2024 14:17:23 +0000 https://iabeurope.eu/?p=55518

In this week's guest member blog post we caught up with Frazer Locke, Director, EU & APAC AdTech Sales at Amazon Ads. In this blog he looks at improving relevancy through model-based solutions, building better connections with context-based insights and empowering brands with clean rooms. For more on how brands can move beyond third-party cookies, keep reading.

Let’s be honest, third-party cookies have always been limiting. Despite being widely used they offer a false precision, and the continued conversation around what marketers will do when they’re deprecated remains a distraction. Now is our chance to do better, for both consumers and brands. 

The way we can help brands to do better, and deliver relevant advertising that matches customers with products and brands they’re genuinely interested in, is through solutions such as audience modelling and contextual targeting. These solutions are powered by a combination of contextual and first party signals using advanced AI, to deliver advertising that is more relevant and helps brands better understand how their customers shop, stream, and browse. They will define the next era of digital advertising, and brands can start their journey today, by utilising solutions that are already available, all without a third-party cookie. Here’s how: 

Improving relevancy through model-based solutions

86%₁  of consumers now consider the experience a company provides to be as important as its products, placing an even greater emphasis on brands to deliver relevant, interesting advertising. Model-based solutions can use shopping, contextual signals and purchase signals to predict ad relevance to help customers discover new products and brands while they browse online. 

Powered by AI and machine learning, modelled solutions get smarter with every campaign that runs, improving engagement for the future. This increased relevancy can have a big impact. For example, we’ve seen brands across verticals experience a 34.1% 2 increase in return on ad spend, without having to take any action, after utilising our modelled solutions.

Building better connections with context-based insights 

We know addressability remains a key priority for brands, and that this will only be compounded as 95% 3 of web traffic is expected to be unaddressable via traditional advertising methods by the end of this year.

Using AdTech to unlock real-time content consumption insights already available to brands today is an obvious place to start. For example, contextual targeting helps brands reach consumers based on current content consumption, without relying on ad IDs. It does this by enabling brands to select the specific products, categories, and content where they want their ads shown. This helps brands engage with audiences who are already in a mindset aligned with the content they're consuming. 

At Amazon Ads we take this a significant step further. When brands use the Amazon DSP, we use AI and AWS models that leverage our shopping, streaming, and browsing signals with metadata about the content being viewed (i.e., contextual signals) to better ensure customers are seeing ads for products and services they may be interested in. Doing this has already increased return on ad spend across US Amazon DSP campaigns by over a third 4. This further evidences how we can solve for the future of addressability without relying on third-party cookies or other ad identifiers.

Empowering brands with clean rooms  

Clean rooms are central to giving marketers durable analytical capabilities in a world without ad identifiers. Why? Because they’re privacy-safe spaces that enable brands to perform queries across the pseudonymous signals that are available to them. Crucially, this helps marketers to understand how they are reaching customers across different channels, as well as how their ads across those channels are (or aren’t) delivering business impact.  

It’s important to remember however that while clean rooms have the potential to empower brands, they are reliant on the inputs they receive. By collaborating across first-party signals and third-party inputs in a clean room, marketers can perform analytics to help them understand customer shopping journeys, generate unique audience segments, and analyse ROI in a safe and secure way. 

For example, one domestic appliance brand utilised Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC), the Amazon Ads clean room solution, to improve the efficiency of their ad spend. The brand worked with their agency, Kepler, and tapped into the Kepler Intelligence Platform (KIP) dashboard that makes AMC analysis available in real time to identify emerging trends, enabling them to see when customers were most likely to engage with their adverts. They found that while early mornings saw far less efficient conversions, the same activity was far more likely to engage audiences later in the day. With this insight, the brand implemented dayparting to ensure that ads were only displayed at those more active times. This change resulted in a 46% increase in orders, 66% increase in sales and a 15% increase in ROI 5.

The deprecation of third-party cookies offers brands the chance to do better and new technologies are already making this ambition a reality. Let’s take this opportunity now.


 1 Salesforce, WW, 2023

  2 Source: Internal Amazon, U.S., Jan – Dec 2022, 140K campaigns across verticals 

 3 StatCounter, WW, 2022

  4 Amazon Internal, US, 2023

  5 Amazon Ads internal data, WW, 2023

This article was originally produced for New Digital Age.

Celebrating Earth Day: Resources to Support Sustainability in Digital Advertising https://iabeurope.eu/celebrating-earth-day-resources-to-support-sustainability-in-digital-advertising/ Mon, 22 Apr 2024 06:00:00 +0000 https://iabeurope.eu/?p=55192 As we celebrate Earth Day, a momentous occasion dedicated to raising awareness about environmental issues and advocating for the protection of our planet, we wanted to take a moment to recognise the collective efforts being made across our industry to achieve sustainability and remind you of the resources that are available to help us all play our part. 

To help mark the occasion, we proudly showcase some of the impactful work of our Sustainability Standards Committee, a multi-stakeholder group that aims to share expertise, resources, and guidance to help reduce the emissions produced by digital advertising. Through its collaborative efforts, the committee addresses key environmental, social, and governance (ESG) challenges and aims to integrate sustainability principles into the fabric of our industry.

Here are just a few of the great resources the committee has produced to help educate and encourage the reduction of GHG emissions in digital advertising that you can find in IAB Europe’s Sustainability Hub:

As we commemorate Earth Day, it's inspiring to see so many organisations in our industry taking active steps and meaningful action to support our planet - not just today but every day. We look forward to continuing the great work with our members across the ecosystem and to collectively achieving sustainability in our industry. 

To learn more about IAB Europe's sustainability initiatives, the work of the Sustainability Standards Committee, and how you can get involved, visit the Sustainability Hub here or contact the team at communication@iabeurope.eu

Guest Member Blog Post with Advertima: Navigating the Future of In-Store Retail Media: The Case for Audience-Based Programmatic Activation https://iabeurope.eu/guest-member-blog-post-with-advertima-navigating-the-future-of-in-store-retail-media-the-case-for-audience-based-programmatic-activation/ Tue, 16 Apr 2024 15:00:27 +0000 https://iabeurope.eu/?p=55126

In this week’s guest member blog post, we caught up with  Iman Nahvi,  Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer at Advertima as he navigates the future of in-store Retail Media. To find out more read below.

The digital age has catalysed a transformative shift in Retail Media, primarily unfolding online and driven by real-time data analytics, audience targeting, and performance measurement, driving a monumental shift in advertising dollars toward retailers. 

However, most shopping still occurs in-store, where the innovations of online Retail Media have not fully penetrated. Implementing digital screens without integrating key success factors such as real-time addressability, audience measurement, and data-driven performance analytics is insufficient. To revolutionise In-store Retail Media, a digital transformation involving advanced solutions is imperative to generate real-time audience data and replicate online success in brick-and-mortar contexts.

Traditionally, trade and shopper marketing funds are managed through direct deals between retailers and suppliers, necessitating precise planning and customisation. Programmatic platforms offer no advantages for these campaigns and lead to an inefficient outcome.  Conversely, brand and media funds managed by media agencies require cross-channel access, making programmatic buying a suitable option. In-store retail media can align offers with audience-based solutions that meet the needs of existing brands to increase retail media revenue.

Programmatic DOOH (pDOOH) is effective for upper-funnel mass media but lacks real-time audience data integration. This gap extends to Digital Signage CMSs, which face latency issues incorporating such real-time data into bidding processes. Bridging this gap requires audience-based programmatic activation, integrating real-time audience data into bid streams to synchronise with ad displays, and enhancing efficiency and relevance.

Advertima uses advanced AI and predictive models to accurately predict audience presence and works with CMS platforms to ensure the integration of predictive insights into programmatic buying. Collaboration among CMS platforms, SSPs, DSPs, and retailers is crucial to embracing real-time audience segmentation and unlocking In-store Retail Media's potential.

Adopting audience-based programmatic activation is essential for achieving precision and effectiveness in-store, akin to online advertising. While challenges persist, embracing this approach promises to redefine the in-store shopping experience by merging retailer data richness with programmatic technology precision.

Read the full blog article here and learn how Advertima Audience AI can bring online capabilities to in-store.

Guest Member Blog Post with Coinis: Transforming Workplaces: The Unique Culture of Coinis https://iabeurope.eu/guest-member-blog-post-with-coinis-transforming-workplaces-the-unique-culture-of-coinis/ Wed, 13 Mar 2024 14:16:12 +0000 https://iabeurope.eu/?p=54782

In this week’s guest member blog post, we caught up with Isidora Matović, Social Media Manager at Coinis as she gives us an exclusive peek into the dynamic culture that sets Coinis apart. She shows us how they foster growth and development and their view on social responsibility. To find out more read below.

In the bustling landscape of today’s digital economy, Coinis stands as a beacon of innovation and collaborative spirit. As a company that's carved out its niche in the fast-paced world of affiliate marketing, we understand that the backbone of our success lies not just in the strategies we implement or the technologies we harness but in the essence of our company culture.

This culture, a thoughtful fusion of our Montenegrin roots and global aspirations, is the driving force behind our continued success and growth. 

The Essence of Our Culture

At the core of Coinis’s ethos is the belief that a thriving company culture goes beyond mere workplace perks. It's about creating an ecosystem where every individual feels secure and valued - both physically and emotionally. This approach ensures that team members can seamlessly integrate their personal and professional lives, supported by a culture that champions safety, innovation, and a balanced lifestyle. Our motto, ‘freedom with responsibility’, encourages exploration and innovation, anchored in our core values of dedication, integrity, and excellence. This philosophy supports our belief in the power of freedom to innovate, underscored by a profound sense of responsibility towards our mission and each other.

Beyond Perks: Cultivating a Deep-Rooted Sense of Belonging

In today's workplaces, amenities like ping-pong tables and free snacks are typical. However, in Coinis, we recognise that the real value of our culture lies in fostering a deep sense of belonging and community. It’s about creating an environment that nurtures not only professional growth but personal fulfillment as well.

Central to our approach is the innovative implementation of ‘Mental Health Days’, a pioneering initiative in Montenegro that offers employees unlimited mental health days off, with no questions asked. This policy, while raising concerns about potential misuse, is fundamentally rooted in trust. We believe that a well-rested and mentally healthy individual contributes significantly to productivity and brings unparalleled enthusiasm to their role at Coinis. Our stance is clear: the well-being of our employees is not just vital to their success but to the success of our company as a whole. Dive into our culture through the lens of our HR in this enlightening podcast.

Fostering Growth and Development

We understand that in the fast-paced business world, growth and adaptability are key to staying ahead. Our journey from a small team to nearly 100 has taught us the importance of embracing change and learning from every experience, whether it's a success or a setback. Our culture is built on the belief that continuous development—both personal and professional—is crucial. This ensures that our team remains on the cutting edge of innovation, providing unparalleled service while avoiding the stagnation that can hinder many organisations. Our commitment to growth is a pledge to our employees for continuous learning opportunities, to our clients for consistently innovative solutions, and to ourselves to never settle for the status quo. For us at Coinis, every achievement marks the beginning of the next challenge.

Social Responsibility: Our Collective Cause

We take pride in being one of the companies interested in broader social issues rather than those that impact our profit margins. Being active in our community is an essential component of our work. This commitment fosters positive change within our local and global community and elevates our team's morale, driving productivity and motivation. By empowering our employees to leverage company resources for social good, we've made social responsibility an integral part of our business model. Our focus spans several critical areas including women’s rights, environmental conservation, humanitarian efforts, and the promotion of mental and physical well-being.

Conclusion with Actionable bits of Advice

At Coinis, our company culture transcends the conventional, transforming us from a mere business entity into a vibrant community committed to making a real difference. We’ve learned that fostering a supportive, innovative, and socially responsible culture is not just beneficial but essential for sustained success. We invite you to explore these strategies within your organisations:

- Prioritise transparent interaction and well-being.

- Balance freedom with responsibility.

- Integrate continuous learning and adaptability into your DNA.

- Embed social responsibility into your core business model.

These principles have guided us in achieving our business goals and making a tangible difference in the lives of our team members and the broader community. We invite you to explore our journey, values, and aspirations on coinis.com.

Together, let's cultivate a culture that stands as a beacon of positive change in the business world.

Programmatic Perspectives Monthly Blog with David Bauckmann on Supply Chain Complexities https://iabeurope.eu/the-programmatic-trading-committees-monthly-blog-with-david-bauckmann-on-supply-chain-complexities/ Tue, 20 Feb 2024 13:14:42 +0000 https://iabeurope.eu/?p=54497 Introducing the debut of IAB Europe’s Programmatic Trading Committee's monthly blog series! Every edition will feature a guest contribution from one of the committee members, offering unique insights into the most crucial issues facing the industry. Get a firsthand perspective from industry insiders—each opinion is individual and might not necessarily align with IAB Europe's views. Nevertheless, fostering dialogue on programmatic topics is vital for advancing standards and excellence in programmatic advertising collectively. 

We are delighted to hand over this month’s debut edition to David Bauckmann, CTO of Impression Media. David has been working in online advertising for over 20 years, the last 10 years as a programmatic advertising specialist. Prior to that, he worked in SEO and originally in website coding. He has a degree in geographic information systems. 

Supply Chain Complexities 

Increasingly, I find myself struggling in the complexity of the supply chain and the associated challenges of extensive records in ads.txt in my practice. I believe this challenge is now on the table for most publishers, and I welcome your comments. 

I consider the entire issue of the supply chain to be so complex that I have written about it in my latest book, "Programmatic Supply Chain in Context – A Practical Textbook" (available for free download to IAB members or for purchase at production cost on Amazon). 

The current challenges faced by most publishers can be summarised in two points:

  1. The increasing pressure to reduce CO2 emissions in the advertising industry forces us to clean up our programmatic ad stack and limit the number of partners we use.
  2. The programmatic ecosystem has expanded to an extreme level in recent years, with many unnecessary resellers who add no value – but how do we identify them? 

Is Header bidding to blame?

The nature of programmatic buying technology allows relatively easy entry for new players into the system. Entry barriers are low, and the potential to acquire clients is high. With the advent of header bidding, this has become even simpler, and the number of companies operating in this area has skyrocketed. 

You might not find the term "simplicity" appropriate, and I am well aware that the number of people with sufficient know-how and experience is absolutely inadequate. But on the other hand, compare it with the field of ad servers – how many companies do you know that successfully offer ad server technology, and how many offer SSP or header bidding? 

Thanks to header bidding, the number of partners each publisher uses has multiplied. It looks tempting, involving a new SSP is relatively simple, costs are minimal, and it all contributes to a "healthy competitive environment," so why not involve as many potential buyers as possible in your auction. 

But in just a few years, there are really too many of them. There isn't a week when a new company doesn't try to convince me of the benefits of header bidding and the advantages of engaging their solution. And in 99.9% of cases, they are wrong – they are not beneficial for our solution and would only consume our resources and time. 

The mistake is not in the technology

To set the record straight, the mistake is not in header bidding, but in how we use it. Every tool can be a good servant but a bad master when used incorrectly. 

Unfortunately, most of us didn't realise this in time. 

For example, directly from my practice:

  • We use 15-20 direct integrations of partners, which then involve hundreds more.
  • More than 50% of bids come to us through more than two resellers.
  • The number of entries in our ads.txt is more than 100.
  • Our carbon footprint is higher than necessary. 

We have already tried with colleagues that involving any new partner does not bring us any higher revenue. On the contrary, it is time-consuming and technologically just consumes a lot of energy. 

We have directly integrated all significant SSP players in our region. The only chance to convince me to try a new SSP now is to prove that they have unique and significant demand in our region that we are not already getting. In the last two years, only one has succeeded. 

The question no longer is, "Why not try a new source of demand when it can't hurt?" It has long been hurting us, but we haven't noticed it yet.. 

It's time to clean up 

Until recently, we didn't realise how much electricity our technology consumes and how much CO2 it generates. Now we at least partially know more. It's almost impossible to measure the exact flow of one bid, but at least some answer is given by startups like SCOPE3. 

This year is the time to clean up. Until now, it didn't make much sense to add new partners. But this year, we will start eliminating even those involved. We have already notified our significant partners to clean up their act and let us know which entries from ads.txt we can delete. 

I don't expect that we will be getting rid of direct large SSPs, but we will definitely limit resellers and carefully discuss with each, what partners they use. 

And what about you, when was the last time you added a new partner or entry to ads.txt and were sure it would bring you something positive?

Hot Off the Press: E-Commerce Berlin Expo 2024's Must-See Agenda https://iabeurope.eu/hot-off-the-press-e-commerce-berlin-expo-2024s-must-see-agenda/ Wed, 17 Jan 2024 10:35:56 +0000 https://iabeurope.eu/?p=54118 E-commerce Berlin Expo has always been a fantastic opportunity for anyone in the industry to learn new things, meet experts, and get inspired by innovative approaches so we are proud to partner witht hem again in 2024.

For Organisers, this challenge is an exciting chance to showcase their expertise in directing an event that not only informs but also inspires and connects the e-commerce community like never before.

And they did it again in 2024. While it's not the first time the E-Commerce Berlin Expo will be held, this year's agenda is a must-watch, with fresh and exciting perspectives in the world of e-commerce.

The line-up stands out for several reasons. What makes the 2024 agenda so amazing - and who will share their insights in Berlin?

#1 First Grand Opening in the history of EBE

This year, for the first time, the Organisers are also presenting an official opening session. In this special presentation, they will summarise what they believe to be the most crucial and impactful trends in the e-commerce industry. Efe von Thenen, CMO at ePages and Chairman of the Advisory Board at EBE, will lead this session. 

#2 Amazing keynotes that you won't want to miss

Keynotes are the bread and butter of each conference, and this is especially true at the E-commerce Berlin Expo 2024. This year, the event is set to outdo itself with an array of speakers who are not just leaders in their fields but also pioneers in shaping the future of e-commerce. The lineup promises to deliver insights that are both groundbreaking and actionable, making EBE24 a must-attend event for industry professionals.

  • Thomann Music – Dr. Christian Maaß, CDO & MD. Christian’s keynote will focus on the importance of foundational work over blindly chasing trends – a philosophy he's currently writing a book about.
  • Ikea – Farzin Saber, Global VP Digital Project Office. Farzin will discuss the strategic navigation from offline to online customer experiences, a topic of immense relevance in today's retail landscape. His presence marks a significant milestone for the Expo, as it brings even more high-level insights to the forefront.
  • Refurbed – Kilian Kaminski, Founder. Kilian will explore the impact of recommerce and the opportunities within the circular economy, particularly in scaling e-commerce businesses. Recognised as a Forbes "30 under 30 Europe", "Capital Top 40 under 40," and EY Entrepreneur of the Year in 2023, Kilian is surely anticipated to be one of the highlights of the event.

Don’t miss also:

  • OTTO – Jörg Heinemann, Innovation Evangelist. He will cover social commerce &  liveshopping, with many insights into the ever-changing landscape of social commerce.
  • OMIO – Norman Nielsen, VP Growth, will share "5 Super Easy Ways to Skyrocket Your E-Commerce with AI in 2024," with practical AI applications for e-commerce growth.
  • Crocs – Rebecca Lacerda, Head of Digital Marketplaces. Rebecca will talk about marketplaces, explaining the e-commerce odyssey and the divergence of online and offline footprints.
  • Philips – Serkan Otles, Senior Director, Global Head of Business Development, will cover "A Consumer-Centric Digital Transformation Journey," with strategies to adapt omnichannel strategies in-store, online, and on social platforms.

Secure your visitor pass to hear these speakers live.

#3 The presence of giants in the industry

Companies often gravitate towards events where the key players of the industry are present. This year's E-Commerce Berlin Expo is proof of that, with an impressive lineup of industry giants. The focus is on those who are making quite an impact in the e-commerce world – and the list is nothing short of remarkable.

Leading the charge is Amazon, a name that speaks for itself. They offer attendees insight from a company that has continually redefined e-commerce. Alibaba, another titan in the industry, brings a wealth of knowledge from the Asian market. TikTok, the social media sensation that already started making waves in e-commerce by blending entertainment with shopping, is also part of the lineup! This conference is also enhanced by Uber, a company that revolutionised transportation and delivery services.

That’s just the beginning, though. 

#4 Panel discussions, redefined

Elevating its game this year, the E-Commerce Berlin Expo is proud to present a dynamic and robust lineup of panel discussions featuring some of the most influential figures in the industry. 

A highlight is the E-food panel, which involves top executive from HelloFresh and the head of Lieferando in Germany, a leader in the food delivery sector. Panelists will offer valuable insights into the fast-evolving world of online food services, a sector that has seen exponential growth over the last few years. 

The Automotive panel will feature representatives from market leaders like BMW and VW, and is a rare opportunity to hear from the giants of the automotive industry about how e-commerce is reshaping the way vehicles are marketed, sold, and serviced.

The Conversational E-commerce panel will cover the growing trend of using chatbots, voice assistants, and other conversational interfaces to improve the online shopping experience.

And then, the AI in E-commerce panel will explore the newest applications of artificial intelligence in e-commerce – from personalized shopping experiences to inventory management, and beyond.

More to come!

#5 A diverse range of topics

Every single year, the E-Commerce Berlin Expo is all set to explore really interesting topics. But, there is even more variety of topics this year than in previous years.

A major highlight is the focus on AI and ML. The Expo dedicates an entire stage to this theme, mirroring its growing importance in the e-commerce sector. 

Another critical topic is the ongoing impact of the pandemic, particularly the crisis and slowdown experienced by certain sectors post-COVID. How are some businesses getting back on their feet? 

Then, the Expo will explore the emerging field of social commerce, with examples from TikTok, Universal Music, and HSE. This topic highlights how social media platforms are becoming increasingly integrated with e-commerce to change how consumers discover and purchase products.

Omnichannel strategies are also emphasised, with case studies from leading brands like IKEA, Philips, and Crocs. Presentations will focus on how companies integrate their online and offline presences to increase customer satisfaction.

Speaking of case studies, though, this year's Organisers were determined to secure many case studies across the stages. And they did it! The Expo is loaded with a variety of case studies from notable companies such as Schwartz IT (part of the Schwarz Group, along with Kaufland and Lidl), Transgourmet (in charge of Selgros or Cash and Carry), Casio, Flaconi, Citi, and Samsøe Samsøe, among others. 

See you in Berlin

The E-Commerce Berlin Expo 2024 is shaping up to be the event of the year for anyone interested in e-commerce! With a lineup that's both exciting and promising, it's the perfect place to be for anyone looking to learn and grow in this field. EBE24 makes an ideal opportunity for those in the industry to come together, learn, and be inspired by the latest trends and innovations in e-commerce. So, what are you waiting for? Secure your free ticket here.

That’s a Wrap! Check Out IAB Europe’s 2023 Highlights https://iabeurope.eu/thats-a-wrap-check-out-iab-europes-2023-highlights/ Tue, 19 Dec 2023 16:03:33 +0000 https://iabeurope.eu/?p=53954 With the festive season upon us and the new year fast approaching, we take you on a journey back to look at what has shaped 2023 for us, our members and the industry.

So, In this blog post, we are showcasing some of IAB Europe’s best bits and all the great work we have accomplished with our wonderful members and partners.  Thank you to you all for your hard work, support, and expertise shared and for helping us to make 2023 such a great success. We couldn’t have done it without you!

Let’s dive in…

Key Stats

In 2023, we ran over 30 events and webinars attracting over 5500 attendees over the year, sharing information and knowledge within the industry. We also worked with industry experts from across our membership to produce 8 guides on key topics, such as Attention and Sustainability.

Most participated Events of 2023 

From our flagship event Interact in Madrid to our Great Debate series and Virtual Programmatic Days, we have covered a wide range of topics through our virtual and in-person events this year. 

Check out some of the most popular events below and watch these on demand. Or head to our Knowledge Hub if you want to watch more of our great events on demand. 

Interact 2023 in Madrid

This year we held our flagship annual event ‘Interact’ in Madrid, Spain, where we unpacked a whole host of topics from the attention economy, CTV, and retail media, through to premium publisher’s advertising models, sustainability, and more. Check out the event highlights and recordings here

Two Hybrid Virtual Programmatic Days 

Our Virtual Programmatic Day (VPD) events bring together industry experts and thought leaders to explore the latest trends, drivers, and barriers impacting programmatic trading in Europe. This year the events covered, programmatic omnichannel, the opportunity in Retail Media, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and more. 

  • Check out the session recordings and highlights from our H1 event here.
  • Check out the session recordings and highlights from our H2  here.

The Great Debate Series

Our Great Debate series of events brings industry experts together to discuss and debate the industry’s hottest topics of the moment. Check out some of our Great Debate event recordings and highlights below:

Top Three Industry Research

We love research and with our extensive experience of undertaking industry attitude and benchmarking studies on a range of digital advertising and marketing topics, it’s easy to see why. Below you will find our top three pieces of research from 2023:

Top Trending Guides Authored by Industry Experts

All of our guides are created with the help and expertise of our industry committee members. Check out some of our top trending pieces below:

[New for 2023] Sustainability Spotlight 

Our Sustainability Standards Committee was set up in October 2022 and through 2023 has continued with its collaborative efforts to help reduce the carbon emissions produced by the delivery of digital advertising. Here are some of the key outputs the committee and IAB Europe have produced to support this key topic:

[New for 2023] Retail Media Spotlight 

Our Retail Media Committee has been busy working on several initiatives to help educate and advance the Retail Media landscape. Check out some of our Retail Media highlights below:

  • This year we curated a network of retailers from across Europe to advance our Retail Media work. The Council has been meeting regularly in Q4 and has been focused on the development of retail media standards.
  • Our Chief Economist, Daniel Knapp, has been consistently monitoring the digital advertising market, particularly the developments in Retail Media. Get the latest stats in this infographic here

Policy, Advocacy, and Legal Spotlight

Let’s talk policy! This year, we have continued our policy advocacy efforts, demonstrating the value of the industry, and contributing to discussions on relevant EU policy dossiers. 

  • One of this year’s main highlights was our summary of the DSA Ads Transparency Approach. Later, IAB Tech Lab published the DSA Transparency technical specification for public comment, an MVP designed to provide the industry with a solution that is readily implementable given the Digital Services Act (DSA) effective date of February 17th, 2024.
  • We also took the opportunity to provide our views on current legislation such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Procedural Regulation and the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA), by disseminating our position papers to the relevant policymakers and discussing our stance and recommendations during meetings with them. 
  • Our advocacy work also included our participation in the Commission's evaluation on consumer law, and our involvement in the Commission’s initiative, Cookie Pledge, a voluntary initiative that aims at countering cookie fatigue in consumers. 
  • Finally, we released our monthly newsletter Policy Matters, to provide readers with bitesize information on all things policy, relevant to the digital advertising industry. We share brief analyses of current legislation and news that shape our work and the digital advertising landscape as a whole. Sign up at the bottom of this page 

2024 - What’s to Come?

As we look forward to 2024, you can expect a lot more great content, insights, events, and exciting news from us. 

From more Retail Media and Sustainability to the DSA, AI, programmatic advancements, and more we can’t wait to get stuck in with all of our members as we explore and advance in our industry’s hottest topics next year. 

We will also be hosting our annual Interact conference in a brand new location, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for more details coming soon.

So that rounds up 2023! A huge thank you to all of our members for getting involved in our initiatives this year and for helping to keep our  content as engaging and thought-provoking as ever 

If you are interested in joining IAB Europe or are already a member and want to get more information and be involved in our committees or task forces, outputs, or content, please get in touch with the team at communication@iabeurope.eu. 

We wish you all a wonderful festive period and a relaxing break, and look forward to working together and collaborating in the new year to drive the industry forward in 2024 and beyond.

Empowering Digital Creativity: Key Highlights and Insights at DMEXCO 2023 https://iabeurope.eu/empowering-digital-creativity-key-highlights-and-insights-at-dmexco-2023/ Wed, 16 Aug 2023 08:38:17 +0000 https://iabeurope.eu/empowering-digital-creativity-key-highlights-and-insights-at-dmexco-2023/  

When DMEXCO opens its doors in Cologne on September 20 and 21, the big topics of the digital economy will once again be on the agenda. This year, Europe's leading digital marketing & tech event will take place under the motto "Empowering Digital Creativity" and will explore the question of what creativity can and must look like, in times of artificial intelligence, across numerous keynotes, panel discussions and sessions.


DMEXCO Worlds: Agencies, E-commerce, Media and Tech 

The four DMEXCO Worlds are dedicated to the sectors of the digital economy and offer a combination of networking area, conference and expo area - the ideal environment to exchange and network with like-minded people and gather exciting insights about tomorrow's trends.


  • The World of Agencies is all about the agency business. Brands & agencies meet decision-makers & specialists. On the Agency Stage there will be sessions with specialised practical know-how and practice-oriented use cases.
  • The World of E-Commerce brings together companies that are at home in the world of online commerce. Here, retailers, technology and service providers exchange views on trends that will shape the future of the sector.
  • The World of Media is the meeting place for all marketers, media companies, data and targeting experts, and service providers from the media sector. Together, they set the course for a modern, digital media landscape.
  • All tech-savvy entrepreneurs feel at home in the World of Tech. The focus here is on new technologies and innovations such as VR/AR, 5G & connectivity, cybersecurity and cloud computing.


New for 2023 - Experts Come Together at the Retail Media Summit

Retail Media is one of the hottest marketing trends and strongest growth areas of the year. Many experts see enormous potential for advertising measures with clear target groups and precise targeting thanks to first-party data. A new approach to data and the professionalisation of the sector play a major role. These are expressed, for example, through generally applicable standards and KPIs that make solutions measurable and comparable.

The topic of retail media already attracted attention at last year's DMEXCO, and the top voices of this discipline of online advertising are again expected at DMEXCO 2023. Among the speakers at the Retail Media Summit on September 20 will be Patricia Grundmann (Vice President Retail Media and Managing Director, OBI First Media Group), Jessica Koch (Director New Business & Retail Media, Douglas), Christian Raveaux (Head of Customer Insights & Media, REWE) and Maike Abel (Head of Media, CRM & Content, Nestlé).

IAB Europe’s Chief Economist, Daniel Knapp, will also be hosting a lecture on Retail Media in Europe, where he will share the market sizing, and the investment opportunities for this new space. Find out more here. 


Digital Fashion in Cooperation with the Deutsches Mode Institut

It won’t only be the eyes of the digital industry, but also the eyes of the fashion industry on Cologne this September. This is because Koelnmesse, Deutsche Mode Institut (DMI) and the German Association for the Digital Economy (BVDW) are organising the Digital Fashion - The Phygital Network event for the first time as part of DMEXCO 2023. The focus will be on digitisation in the fashion industry, which, among other things, can avoid overproduction and conserve physical resources.

Due to the possibilities of digitalisation, the fashion industry is facing an epochal upheaval. All professionals involved in the industry's digital value chain will find the right environment for networking and exchanging ideas about the challenges and opportunities of digitisation at "Digital Fashion." In this way, they can benefit from a diverse range of information and inspiration, prepare for the transformation in the best possible way, and play a decisive role in shaping the digital fashion industry.


w3. Vision Shapes the Future of the Internet

The legendary Web3 is the next stage of the Internet and digital culture that will permeate almost every fibre of our society. It's no wonder that DMEXCO is once again shining a spotlight on the new Web. After last year's successful debut, this September's event will once again feature w3.vision in cooperation with the w3.fund. The event will provide visitors with valuable insights into developments in the industry, bring together the international Web3 community and offer excellent networking opportunities. Topics include all Web3 building blocks from the metaverse to cryptocurrencies and NFTs.

The w3.vision offers many exciting speakers on both days of the fair. These include Philipp Weiling (Director Business Development EMEA, Polygon Labs), Laura-Marie Geissler (Racer, LMG-Racing), Peter Grosskopf (Co-Founder & CTO, Ultimate Money), Vicktoria Klich (Co-Founder, w3.fund), Jürgen Alker (Advisor Web3 Strategy, Highsnobiety) and Anne Greul (Co-Founder & CEO, Moonblock).



Deep Dive Sessions and Insights

On the DMEXCO stages, keynote speeches by experts provide the audience with insights and information from their business experience. The panels, in which leading heads of the digital industry discuss with each other, prove to be special highlights every year.

This year's program includes the hot topics "Change Ahead: Current Trends in the Media Industry" (Wednesday, 20.09.23, Center Stage) and "AI in Marketing - Is This the Revolution?" (Wednesday, 9/20-23, Center Stage).


IAB Europe at DMEXCO – Programmatic Advertising in Europe: Latest Trends, Attitudes and Growth Drivers

IAB Europe will be at DMEXCO on 20th and 21st September 2023. We will be hosting a masterclass on Programmatic Advertising in Europe that you don’t want to miss on 21st September at 09:45-10:15 CET. Join this session to find out the latest insights on the development of programmatic advertising across Europe. Now in its 9th year, IAB Europe’s annual industry benchmark survey, The Attitudes to Programmatic, reveals the latest  buy-side and sell-side drivers, barriers and strategies. The 2023  key findings will be presented and then discussed by a panel of industry European leaders. 


Tickets for DMEXCO 2023 Available Now 

Visitors can already secure their tickets for DMEXCO on September 20 and 21, 2023 in Cologne. This will give them access to two days full of insights, exchange and networking. More than 600 top speakers await them with over 200 hours of programming on 12+ stages. Three ticket options are available for Europe's leading digital marketing and tech event at the Koelnmesse exhibition centre: The standard option is the DMEXCO Trade Visitor Ticket, in addition there is the DMEXCO Young Leader Ticket for young talents up to and including 26 years of age and the DMEXCO Student Ticket for students and university employees.


Secure your ticket now for DMEXCO 2023 on September 20 and 21 in Cologne and be there when the course is set for the digital world of tomorrow!



Guest Blog Post with DoubleVerify - Building a Winning Team: The Importance of Employee Experience https://iabeurope.eu/guest-blog-post-with-doubleverify-building-a-winning-team-the-importance-of-employee-experience/ Tue, 24 Jan 2023 12:00:09 +0000 https://iabeurope.eu/guest-blog-post-with-doubleverify-building-a-winning-team-the-importance-of-employee-experience/

In this week’s member guest blog post we caught up with David Wayne, Senior HR Business Partner at DoubleVerify.  David discusses the importance of creating a positive employee experience and shares ways in which companies can maximise their efforts. Keep reading to learn more:


Employee experience is becoming an increasingly important topic in the business world. It's directly correlated to the improvement of profitability, revenue, and employee well-being. 

But the benefits of a positive employee experience extend beyond just the company's bottom line. Our people are our customers' most important assets, and a positive employee experience can lead to increased customer results. 

At DoubleVerify, we understand that the positive experience of our employees is not just a nice-to-have, it's a business imperative. A positive and supportive work environment is crucial for attracting and retaining top talent, and for fostering a culture of engagement and productivity.

So how can businesses improve their employee experience? To create a positive employee experience, organisations must create an environment and values that personally connect with the employee, where the intersection of the individual's passions, values, and skills meet the organisation's vision, identity, culture, and brand equity. 

Growth opportunities are important, as it's incumbent on organisations to help employees improve and grow with and from their work. Organisations must develop a platform to enable positive risk, develop a framework for mental resilience training and encourage conversations that always start with positive intent. Sense of belonging is also important because it helps employees feel connected to and valued by the organisations. 

The impacts of the COVID pandemic, global recession, social injustice, and rise of mental health issues, has caused employees to shift their mindset to become more open and look for positive collaborative experiences. To meet this new demand, organisations are shaping their values to reflect a "Growth Mindset" that embraces challenges and change.

A positive employee experience can also be driven by investing in employee well-being. At DoubleVerify, we have implemented a variety of initiatives to support the well-being of our employees. From offering flexible working arrangements, to providing access to mental health support and resources, to promoting a culture of work-life balance, we are committed to creating a positive and supportive work environment for our team.

We also understand the importance of employee engagement and have implemented regular surveys to measure employee satisfaction and engagement levels, to ensure that we are providing the best possible work environment for our team.

In conclusion, creating a positive employee experience is essential for attracting and retaining top talent, fostering a culture of engagement and productivity and ultimately driving business results. At DoubleVerify, we are committed to creating a positive employee experience and we 

and we encourage other businesses to make positive employee experiences a priority.


E-commerce Berlin Expo 2023 Agenda Released https://iabeurope.eu/e-commerce-berlin-expo-2023-agenda-released/ Thu, 19 Jan 2023 16:52:42 +0000 https://iabeurope.eu/e-commerce-berlin-expo-2023-agenda-released/  

If You Miss It, You Miss Out: EBE 2023 Agenda Released

With the E-commerce Berlin Expo being just a month away, the agenda for the event has recently been released. The one-day event will be packed with informative talks, presentations, workshops and panel discussions from notable industry players. It already appears to be the best agenda for this event that has ever been released and implemented.

Insightful knowledge hub and great networking platform is here for you! And while it might sound like an event that happens every single year, it's 2023 that brings a lot of new, fresh air to this well-established Expo and Conference.

Five stages full of knowledge

The five stages at this year's event promise to deliver insight and entertainment in spades. With a huge multitude of presentations, discussions and demonstrations on offer, there's guaranteed something for everyone. The organizers strive to be the beacon of e-comm knowledge!

The agenda was put together in a very international spirit, but with a strong local factor, too. What also pleases the eye is gender diversification: out of 70 speakers, 30 of them are female.

Let's take a look at a few spots on the agenda – just to whet your appetite:

  • Mercedes-Benz Online Vehicle Sales: Luxury Omni-Channel Experience [Olga Sapet - Mercedes-Benz]
  • How good buying advice works – COMPUTER BILD’s take on value-added journalism and content commerce [Christian Wolf - Computer Bild]
  • We do it our way! Clinton Commerce with CAMP DAVID [Yaw Afram - Clinton] - First time on stage in 10 years!
  • How the sex toy brand AMORELIE empowers employees with OKRs to create sexually fulfilled humans everywhere [Marcel Bogumil - Amorelie & Noreen Reiter - EQOM]
  • How we are creating the most inspiring online shopping experience for musicians [Jöran Eitel & Ralph Cibis - Thomann.io]
  • From Clothes to Goals: How to sell Intention in Fashion [Anamika Datta - Zalando]

We could be listing presentations for days - the selection is simply too broad and diverse. Make sure to check out the full agenda on Expo website, as you don't want to miss out on any session. 

The full agenda is available here: https://ecommerceberlin.com/schedule.

Panel discussions are a valuable way to share information and gain insights – that’s why you’ll get quite a few of them served straight to your table this year.

Examples? Here you go!

  • Sports merchandising & licensing panel discussion with BVB, Eventim Sports and Fanatics
  • Creating the Metaverse - United or Divided? with Meta, Web3, ART+COM, Arvato Systems, and Digital Ventures

You can learn what it's like to combine fan-based e-commerce with working with an admired brand and selling tickets in a chaotic market from the above. You'll find out what the Metaverse is, who created it, and how to become a part of it - and it's all worth the effort, as you’ll see. 


Creators of the Metaverse Fest sub-event


There's no time to get complacent, and the organizers work hard every year to surprise our audiences. As usual, this year is no different. 

During E-commerce Berlin Expo 2023, there will be a special program block dedicated to the Metaverse and how it can benefit your business.

Starting at 1:10 p.m., the Creators of the Metaverse crew will facilitate a series of talks and panels. Any time is a good time to visit their section in Hall 8!

Nothing like a panel discussion to round out this experience, right? There will be a very interesting discussion between representatives of the web3 community and Meta's representatives on stage!


Seeking more interactivity? Sign up for FREE Masterclasses

With the E-commerce Berlin Expo right around the corner, Hall 2 is going to be abuzz with Masterclasses. 

The organizers believe it is important to share knowledge for free, so the Masterclasses, along with the entire Conference, are free of charge. Simply choose the topic you're interested in and sign up on a special page to save your seat. 

There will be two tracks of five sessions each. If you come in crowds, the EBE crew will prepare more Masterclasses next year!

Space is limited, so make sure you reserve your spot today here: https://ecommerceberlin.com/masterclasses

See you in February


Leverage the opportunity to participate and deepen your knowledge of e-commerce: E-commerce Berlin Expo 2023 will be an amazing event that you won't want to miss!With five stages full of knowledge, Masterclasses to whet your appetite, and panel discussions, this agenda is packed with exciting topics and speakers that are sure to leave attendees with a much better understanding of e-commerce. It's a must-attend event for anyone interested in the e-commerce industry.

The EBE2023 is free to attend. Mark your calendars and book your tickets here: https://ecommerceberlin.com/visit

 Find out more about the E-commerce Berlin Expo 2023

The E-Commerce Berlin Expo will be taking place for the seventh time on the 23rd of February, 2023, at Station Berlin. Doors will open at 10 AM, and EBE2023 is expected to welcome more than 9,000 visitors. The annual fair has become a leading e-commerce event in Berlin with representatives from Google, Meta, YouTube, Zalando, Otto Group, Amazon and Alibaba Group as past participants. Learn more at https://ecommerceberlin.com 

For further questions, reach out on pr@ecommerceberlin.com

