Interactive Advertising Bureau


Member blog - Meetrics - The importance of ad verification

Bjorn Bojen
UK advertisers spent about £606 million on online ads last year that didn’t meet minimum viewability thresholds, according to the […]

Member blog - Turn - Part 2: ‘The Why’ – Solving business needs and making the most from your 1st party data

Bjorn Bojen
In a previous article, we talked about what a data strategy is and the key components to build for success. […]

Digital video advertising trends show brands attuned to changing user behaviour across all devices

Bjorn Bojen
Our latest survey of European advertisers, agencies and publishers shows what some might think is a surprising paradox.  Whilst consumers are […]

Member blog – comScore – An Inside Look at Sophisticated Invalid Traffic with Timur Yarnall

Bjorn Bojen
Q: What is your role at comScore? Timur: I run our Advertising Platforms and Corporate Development teams, which include comScore’s campaign […]

High stakes for European media and digital advertising as Brussels turns to ePrivacy

Bjorn Bojen
Last Friday I had the pleasure of speaking at the Digiday Publishing Summit Europe in Nice, France. There were a […]

Member blog - Turn - Part 1: ‘The What’ - What is a data strategy & why do you need one?

Bjorn Bojen
This is a three-part blog series: ‘The What’ - What is a data strategy & why do you need one? ‘The […]

Programmatic at dmexco – how has it evolved? Thoughts from IAB Europe panel and members

Bjorn Bojen
At dmexco last week IAB Europe published its third annual European Programmatic market sizing report which showed that the total […]

Member blog - PulsePoint - The Shifting Programmatic Landscape in Europe

Bjorn Bojen
It’s no secret that Europe has established itself as a hot bed for ad tech innovation. Fuelled by the uptake […]

Member blog - Adform - Adform Helping IAB and the EU Drive Industry-Wide Brand Safety Initiatives

Bjorn Bojen
Programmatic advertising has become an essential component of modern marketers’ digital strategies. With its real time insights, granular targeting, effective […]
IAB Europe
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