Interactive Advertising Bureau
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Virtual Programmatic Day Panel: Demystifying Attribution in Programmatic Advertising

Feb 20,2020
Marie-Clare Puffett

Europe’s biggest virtual programmatic event took place on Tuesday 19th November. The Virtual Programmatic Day (VPD) brought together industry experts and thought-leaders from IAB Europe’s member companies.

Attribution, and how to do it well, has been the topic of industry debate for some time. But what do we actually mean by attribution and how does it work or help with evaluating programmatic campaigns? This panel addressed this question and explored the key challenges that exist and developments that need to happen to overcome those.

Watch the panel here.


Moderator: Matt Isdale, Head of Performance, Teads
Clementina Piazza, Programmatic Director EMEA, Integral Ad Science
Oliver Gertz, Managing Director Interaction EMEA, MediaCom
Ionuț Munteanu, Education Project Manager, IAB Romania
Lucia Mastromauro, Vice President, Global Head of Agency and Partner Business at Adform

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