Interactive Advertising Bureau
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Town Hall with Chrome and Android on Privacy Sandbox

8th March | 16:00 CET - Register here

Following the recent announcements made by Google Chrome and Android on the Privacy Sandbox, Google has agreed to engage in a dialogue with IAB Europe, in a Town Hall meeting on 8th March 2022.

The aim of the Town Hall is to offer the opportunity to answer questions from industry stakeholders raised by the announcement, in the spirit of collaboration that has characterised Google’s partnership in IAB Europe for many years. 

The invitation to attend the Town Hall is open to any IAB Europe member, National IAB, or corporate member of a National IAB. 

The event will provide an in-depth explanation of the recently announced developments from Privacy Sandbox on Topics API, Fledge, and Android focusing on the technical aspects and related questions.

If you are interested in learning more about the announcement, be sure to register here today.

You can submit your questions in advance here.


  • Townsend Feehan, CEO, IAB Europe
  • Alexandre Nderagakura, Technical Director, IAB Europe
  • Vinay Goel, Director, Chrome Product Management, Google
  • Michael Kleber, Principal Software Engineer, Google
  • Ryan Fitzgibbon, Android Product Manager, Google
  • Hanne Tuomisto-Inch, Head of Chrome and Web Partnerships EMEA, Google

Please note that this event will not be recorded.


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