10th March 2022, 15:00 CET - Register here
As of January 2022, in the run-up to the Digital Services Act (DSA) adoption, the European Parliament and the Council started interinstitutional negotiations, debating on what should be included in the DSA.
Banning dark patterns, further transparency requirements on online advertising, the inclusion of a ban on targeting advertising for minors, and targeting based on sensitive data - will all be discussed at trilogue level.
Join our expert panel of business leaders, public policy experts and representatives of the EU institutions who will share their insights as the third DSA trilogue comes to a head. Listen to their discussion as they unpack the possible changes and additions to the Digital Services Act and the impact they may have on the future of the EU’s digital framework. The digital advertising industry could see real changes in the way we operate online; this event is one not to be missed!