Interactive Advertising Bureau
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Dynata Webinar: Navigating COVID-19: Advertising in the New Normal

As part of Dynata’s Global Consumer Trends Study: COVID-19 edition: The New Normal series, the Navigating COVID-19: Advertising in the New Normal webinar on Thursday, 28 May, 2020 will examine consumer sentiment around marketing during COVID-19.  How consumers are behaving in the current commercial landscape, when they intend to return to using products/services unavailable during the pandemic, how to articulate the right message, and whether brands should be marketing at all.

Covering 7 countries (US, UK, Australia, France, Germany, Netherlands and Spain), and leveraging Dynata’s global scale, deep relationships with consumers, and the largest fully-permissioned first-party data set in the industry, this report will provide insights marketers need to know to understand the impacts of changing consumer behavior on their advertising both now and in the future.

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