Interactive Advertising Bureau
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IAB Europe Event: TCF v2.0 in Practice - Webinar for Publishers (Part 3)

Following on from Part 1 and Part 2 TCF v2.0 Publisher focused webinars, this webinar is the final instalment in our dedicated support workshops for publishers who are looking to successfully switch over to TCF v2.0 in the coming months.

TCF v2.0 Validated CMPs Sirdata, iubenda and Sourcepoint will be used as real-life examples of TCF v2.0 implementations and will show you how to bring GDPR compliance in the digital advertising industry to the next level. The webinar will be followed by a Q&A to help answer any technical and policy related questions that publishers may still have about TCF v2.0.

22nd July, 16.00 CET / 15.00 BST

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  • TCF v2.0 Introduction - Ninon Vagner, Privacy & Compliance Manager, IAB Europe (5 mins)
  • TCF v2.0 CMP compliance and enforcement - Patrick Verdon, Technical Director, IAB Europe (5 mins)
  • TCF v2.0 CMP case study and best practices (please see below for full details on what will be covered):
      • Sirdata (10 mins) Thomas Lay, Product Engineer, Sirdata
      • iubenda (10 mins) - Andrea Giannangelo, Head of Product at iubenda.
      • Sourcepoint (10 mins) - Michael Krauss, VP of Product, Sourcepoint
  • Q&A (20 mins)

Each CMP will present..

TCF v2.0 Transition

  • How they managed the transition from TCF v1 to TCF v2.0 technically and from the point of view of the TCF v2.0 policies
  • Key take always and top tips for a successful transition

CMP v2.0 UI

  • How did they decide on the look and feel of the User Interface
  • UI best practices – what should be included
  • User testing and feedback – Recommended approach

TCF v2.0 Compliance

  • What were their take-aways from TCF compliance process
  • How they have deployed and will deploy their product globally

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IAB Europe
Rond-Point Robert
Schuman 11
1040 Brussels
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