Interactive Advertising Bureau
22 April 2024

Meet the Interact 2024 Speaker - A Q&A with Tiernan O’Morain, Digital Transformation Director at Diageo

On the 21st and 22nd of May, IAB Europe will host our flagship event Interact 2024 in Milan. In partnership with IAB Italy, Interact 2024 promises to deliver an engaging experience with industry leaders gathering to tackle the industry’s most critical challenges and innovative opportunities head-on.

With a central theme of ‘The Big Questions. The Sharp Answers.’ we're putting the interactive back into Interact, with every session revolving around a key question that our expert speakers will answer live on stage. We will tackle everything from Privacy, Policy, and Digital Ad investment to CTV, Retail Media, Sustainability, and more.

Find out more here. Get your tickets here.

In the lead-up to the event, we introduce you to some of our great speakers who will take to the stage to answer our industry’s biggest questions of today.

We are pleased to introduce:

Tiernan O’Morain, Digital Transformation Director at Diageo.

Q. We’re excited to have you join us for Interact 2024. Apart from your session, what are you most looking forward to at Interact this year?

“The conference comes at a pivotal time in the industry, as we are seeing retail media grow at an exponential rate, sustainability strategies come to the fore and advertisers asking for more rigour and transparency across their programmatic supply chain than ever. I'm really looking forward to hearing from other industry leaders about how they're tackling these, and other, challenges. Interact 2024 promises to be a great opportunity to learn from others and share best practices. And all of this in one of the best cities in the world, Milan!”

Q. Can you tell us more about your role and main focus areas for this year?

“As Digital Transformation Director at Diageo, my primary focus is on driving innovation across our digital marketing, analytics, and e-commerce initiatives. I believe innovation and creativity are core to my role! This year, we're particularly focused on leveraging data-driven insights and signals within our media to improve consumer engagement, which in turn drives sales growth across our brands.”

Q. You will join the session that asks ‘What do buyers really want from digital advertising?’ What do you think will be the biggest priorities for brands this year?

“Buyers are demanding more from digital and its supply chain, as are consumers. A great consumer experience online is great for consumers, great for business, and great for the ongoing growth of our industry. With that in mind, I see that the biggest priorities for brands in digital advertising this year will be around getting even more relevant (and less wasteful), often improving personalisation of ads to create better consumer experiences, supporting commercial measurement, while also ensuring ads are delivered with transparency and respect for consumer privacy preferences.  I also see a shift with more brands supporting media and publishers who are more inclusive and reflective of the diverse societies in which we all live.”

Q. Can you tell us about anything exciting Diageo is working on in the digital advertising space at the moment?

“I am really proud that Diageo has committed to a multi-million-pound global investment to media platforms and publishers who are working to make mainstream media more diverse and inclusive. We know that we can help shift the media landscape to be more representative of all of society if we are intentional in where we invest. There’s still so much more progress to make and we need to work together with other brands, media owners, and agencies to drive industry-wide change.”

Hear from industry-leading speakers, including Tiernan O’Morain and more at Interact 2024, and get the sharp answers you’re looking for.

Get your tickets here.

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