Interactive Advertising Bureau
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Teads x Lumen Whitepaper - Unveiling the Connection: Attention & Outcomes

Jul 13,2023
Amy Mazzola


Throughout 2022 and into 2023, Teads and Lumen have been dedicated to expanding the existing body of research in the field of attention measurement. Both companies share the belief that continual proof points are essential for brand advertisers seeking to embrace attention-based metrics. Given the significant findings of the Lumen/PwC work referenced in the report, the importance of ongoing research in this domain cannot be overstated. Additionally, there is a desire to move beyond individual case studies and progress towards more comprehensive meta-learning. By replicating the same methodology over time and testing multiple campaigns, we can control for various factors such as target audiences, creative strategies, and seasonality. This approach enables us to gain a clearer understanding of the true impact of attention on outcomes. 

Download the report below

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