Interactive Advertising Bureau
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Attitudes to Programmatic Advertising Report 2019

Sep 11,2019
Alex Macarescu

IAB Europe's annual Attitudes to Programmatic Advertising Report is a comprehensive analysis of the European programmatic landscape, covering strategies and adoption trends, drivers of and barriers to growth, and forecasts for the future for 31 markets. The study, now in its fifth year, was developed by the IAB Europe Programmatic Trading Committee.  The key findings of the 2019 study include:

  • There is a continued push for a quality and safe advertising environment
  • Ads.txt is well established amongst publishers but awareness and adoption on the buy-side is low
  • Talent and skills remain a barrier to investment
  • Supply chain transparency is still an issue
  • The number of advertisers with in-house operations for programmatic is now higher than the number that outsource to an agency
  • Programmatic continues to be a catalyst for delivering brand campaigns at scale
  • In light of GDPR, stakeholders are looking to use more first party data, private marketplaces and contextual targeting

Download the IAB Europe Attitudes to Programmatic Advertising Report 2019


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