Interactive Advertising Bureau
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State of Readiness - Sustainability in Digital Advertising Report 2024

Feb 15,2024
Lauren Wakefield
Sustainability HubSustainability

IAB Europe’s Sustainability Standards Committee has developed the State of Readiness – Sustainability in Digital Advertising survey to gain valuable insights into our industry’s progress and to understand what more needs to be done to achieve sustainability. 

Now in its second year, the State of Readiness Report provides a comprehensive, pan-European understanding of our industry’s advancement towards sustainable digital advertising. The survey attracted 186 respondents from across 29 European markets and provides key insights into how much of a priority sustainability is for businesses in the digital advertising ecosystem, and how much progress companies have made in reducing their carbon footprint and improving sustainable practices over the past 12 months.

Key findings from the 2024 State of Readiness Report highlight:

  • Sustainability Priority: Sustainability is still seen as a key challenge for the digital advertising industry in 2024 with it being cited as just as important as cookieless targeting and measurement to businesses amongst respondents.
  • Priorities for Progress: Greenhouse gas (GHG) impact was identified as a primary concern (64%), with the adoption and development of solutions (90%) and tools (90%) that reduce GHG emissions in the digital advertising supply chain, and consistent standards for GHG estimation (89%) being cited as crucial for driving progress.
  • External Verification: A majority (65%) of respondents agree on the necessity for external verification regarding CO₂e measurement and standards.
  • Drivers for Sustainability: Corporate social responsibility, client expectations, and compliance with regulations emerge as the primary drivers for businesses' interest in sustainability.
  • Progress Towards CO₂e Reduction: While nearly three-quarters (70%) of respondents have initiated efforts to reduce COe emissions, only a quarter (24%) have made significant progress.
  • Key Actions Taken: Sustainability initiatives such as environmental audits, participation in industry forums, and the creation of checklists are among the actions taken by companies on their sustainability journey.
  • Room for Improvement: Despite ambition, only 24% of respondents have adopted a GHG estimation framework to measure the impact of digital advertising. Additionally, there is consensus on the need for further education, consistent standards, and transparency within the industry.

Find a valuable infographic here, and download your copy of the report below. 

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