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IAB Europe’s European Retail Media Measurement Standards - Open for Industry Feedback

Feb 29,2024
Lauren Wakefield
retail mediaRetail Media

IAB Europe has published the first set of European recommendations for Retail Media digital advertising metrics and measurement standards. 

The recommended standards are now open for industry feedback until 29th March, and we invite you to send all comments to

The final standards will be released in April. 

The recommended standards were created following IAB Europe’s Retail Media Measurement Workshop, which brought together 15 retailers from across Europe at the end of January. The feedback was combined with ongoing discussions from IAB Europe’s Retailer Council and its Retail Media Committee and also recognises the progress made on the development of Retail Media metrics definitions in other markets (e.g. IAB US, BVDW in Germany, and ISBA in the UK).

The recommendations address the following areas:

  • Primary Media Metrics (including viewability, IVT) to ensure digital retail media ads adhere to the same standards as other digital ads
  • Attribution Metrics to ensure that brand are able to compare their advertising investments using a standard lookback window and iROAS definition
  • Additional Retail Media Insights to further elevate the unique insights that retail media networks are able provide such as ‘New to Brand’

The standards document can be viewed below and the FAQ document can be found here for your reference. 

Want to learn more? Join us for a webinar at 15:00 CET on March 19th, where we will provide a deep dive into the standards that have been developed and invite you to share any questions you have. Find out more and register here.

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