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IAB Europe’s Retail Media Measurement Standards for Europe

Apr 25,2024
Lauren Wakefield
retail mediaKnowledgeHubRetail Media

Retail Media has experienced exponential growth in recent years. Going from a nascent conversation to a widely invested and much talked about phenomenon with IAB Europe predicting that it will overtake traditional linear TV by 2026, with spend in the category reaching €25bn.

But as more focus and investment is poured into Retail Media a greater need for measurement and transparency is essential to ensuring its continued success.

IAB Europe’s Retail Media Measurement Standards for Europe have been created with this in mind to provide media buyers with a framework for consistent metrics to compare retail media investment. 

The Retail Media Measurement Standards were developed following consultations with retailers, and media buyers (brands and agencies) and cover the following areas:

  • Primary Media Metrics (including viewability, IVT) to ensure digital retail media ads adhere to the same standards as other digital ads
  • Attribution Metrics to ensure that brands can compare their advertising investments using a standard lookback window and iROAS definition
  • Additional Retail Media Insights to further elevate the unique insights that retail media networks can provide such as ‘New to Brand’

The final Standards were produced following a public comment period between February and March 2024, where a wide range of industry stakeholders from across Europe provided feedback and insights to shape the final version. 

The full standards can be downloaded via the link below and you can access the FAQ document here

A huge thank you to the members of IAB Europe’s Retail Media Committee who contributed to and supported the production of these Standards.

iconDownload - 213.98 KB

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